“Ungrounded in our Faith” Worship Marks first in-person event during pandemic

Rockville, MD- “Sweet spirit, take over this place,” the congregation sang as they opened the first in-person BLUU worship since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Graciously hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville on January 14, 2024, the service welcomed the BLUU community—both in person and online—to be fully present in the joyous occasion.
“We’ve been doing worship online consistently since 2017 and in-person once or so a year before the pandemic,” shared Rev. Mykal Slack. “Our first in-person service since the pandemic began turned out to be our first multi-platform service, hosting simultaneously in-person and online spaces. It was just glorious to feel the energy of the people in the sanctuary, as well as feel the people on Zoom beaming their love at us.
“Driven by worship leaders Carla Gates, Rev. Byron Tyler Coles, Rev. Amanda Weatherspoon, and Rev. Slack, the evening’s message centered on movement as an alternative to stillness—allowing ourselves to become ungrounded so much so that we move closer to freedom.”
“The radical imagination is ungrounded,” Rev. Weatherspoon expressed, building on Rev. Slack’s invitation to be open to expansion and growth. “Let’s get curious about what would happen if we grew beyond the edge,” she continued.
Check out the gallery below for some of the evening’s highlights.