BLUU Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Unitarian Universalism?
Unitarian Universalism is a faith and living tradition grounded in love, justice, and liberation. Unitarian Universalism invites us into physical, emotional, and spiritual spaces of care and accountability relative to each person’s free and responsible search for truth and meaning. It is not creedal and therefore does not rely on a firm grasp of any particular belief system to give it its power. Rather, it is relational, calling us into curiosity about what matters most in our own and other people’s lives as we grow and learn out of that orientation.
Unitarian Universalists, or UUs, are Buddhist, Pagan, Christian, Atheist, Jewish, practitioners of African spiritualities, Humanists, Agnostics, people who connect with understandings of themselves that have not been named here, and people who only understand themselves to be UU. Unitarian Universalism recognizes the value of searching for meaning and honors our ability to keep being and becoming who we are called to be.
What is Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU?)
BLUU started as a small organizing collective that formed in 2015 in Cleveland during the Movement for Black Lives Convening. We are now a thriving spiritual community and justice-minded organization creating connection for Black people.
BLUU is committed to Unitarian Universalism that is liberatory and life-giving for Black people. We manifest this dream by creating spiritual community, spiritual resources, and political education opportunities for Black Unitarian Universalists and other Black folks who share our values.
Who is BLUU's leadership?
The Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism Organizing Collective Board (OCB) serves as the Board of Directors for BLUU. The OCB is a working board who guides organizational strategy and program development. OCB members are selected by appointment.
What is BLUU’s mission/vision statement?
BLUU harnesses love’s power to combat oppression and foster healing as a spiritual and political imperative. We know the power of love to be life changing, inclusive, relational, uncomfortable, unconditional and without end.
What principles (values) guide BLUU’s community?
Unitarian Universalists are guided by 7 Principles.
In 2015, BLUU released the “7 Principles of Black Lives.” These principles connect our faith and the fight for Black liberation. There is an urgent need for all those who call themselves Unitarian Universalists to declare, without caveat or clarification, that Black Lives Matter.
Who can attend BLUU worship?
BLUU worship is Black sacred space. All Black folks are welcome to attend this space, and non-Black folks are encouraged to share information about BLUU worship with their BLack community members.
Worship honors Black wisdom, music, and rituals from many traditions and texts.
BLUU worship space is unapologetically LGBTQIA+ affirming, and Black queer and trans folks are frequently in leadership as BLUU staff or worship volunteers.
When and where is BLUU worship?
BLUU worship is hosted on Zoom the first Thursday of each month. Subscribe to our email list to get the registration link.
What is the BLUU Housing Initiative?
We started the BLUU Northside Housing Cooperative Initiative in the summer of 2019 by purchasing eight vacant lots in North Minneapolis. Now, we are planning a process that will transform those vacant lots into actually affordable, multi-family units.
At the end of this project, Black and Indigenous families will be empowered as homeowners in Minneapolis, something that will fundamentally transform access to resources and wealth for generations.
What is BLUU’s Membership program?
BLUU members are called BLUU Beloveds. BLUU Beloveds commit to deepen their relationship with BLUU through service, support, and participation.
How do I connect with BLUU in person?
National BLUU-sponsored gatherings are currently on hold because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
BLUU Havens are gathering places for Black UUs and BLUU community members seeking community and social gathering time with each other. Some BLUU Havens are hosting small, in-person events. BLUU Havens are in the following locations:
Asheville, NC
Chicago, IL
Fort Myers, FL
Milwaukee, WI
Minneapolis, MN
Montclair, NJ
Philadelphia, PA
Rockville, MD
Richmond, VA
For information about BLUU Havens, email [email protected], and put “BLUU Havens” in the subject line.
What BLUU job opportunities are available?
There are currently no open positions at BLUU.
How do I contact BLUU for a press inquiry or speaking engagement invitation?
If you have a press inquiry or speaking engagement invitation, please email [email protected], and put “Press Inquiry” or “Speaking Engagement” in the subject line.
How will BLUU be involved in the UUA’s 2025 General Assembly?
BLUU will host a healing space and other BLUU-sponsored events at General Assembly. Stay tuned for more information.
Can I purchase spiritual resources from BLUU?
BLUU produces a monthly virtual resource called the BLUU Box that individuals and congregations can use for spiritual nourishment. The BLUU Box centers Black voices.
How do I donate to BLUU?
We appreciate your interest in supporting our work. If you’re interested in making a donation, you can donate here.
How can my Unitarian Universalist congregation make a financial commitment to supporting BLUU?
BLUU is launching a three-year program for UU congregations who are committed to supporting Black spirituality and lives through supporting our work. For more information, email [email protected], and put “UU Giving Program” in the subject line.