Thank you for supporting BLUU! Your support helps sustain BLUU’s work to provide sacred, safe space for Black UUs and create more love, belonging, and justice in the world.
BLUU Organizational Report
Gift Acceptance Policy
BLUU, dba Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism, solicits and accepts gifts that are consistent
with our mission: expanding the power and capacity of Black UUs within Unitarian
Universalism; providing support, information, and resources for Black Unitarian Universalists;
and justice-making and liberation for Black people through our faith.
We are a faith-based organization whose purpose is to provide sacred spaces of belonging
both within and outside our congregations and affiliated organizations for Black Unitarian
Universalists. BLUU programming embodies wholeheartedly what is truest and best about
Unitarian Universalism. BLUU also advances Black-centered organizing and justice-making
Donations to BLUU default to unrestricted general fund unless a specific designation to one of the following funds is requested:
- Housing Initiative,
- Ministers’ Discretionary fund,
- Active grant funded positions
Requests outside of these parameters will require review.
BLUU keeps a running list of current funding from corporate and foundation donors. The
document is available be emailing [email protected]
BLUU leadership, which includes the Organizing Collective Board and Executive Director, holds
the right to discuss and examine donations offered from individuals, organizations, or
companies that have shown evidence of racist, discriminatory practices or predatory actions
and hold the right to decline donations.
We are discerning and intentional with our budgeting. Please uplift and trust us. As you make
this contribution we ask that you take a moment to reflect on what it means to trust Black
people, and further, pledge to consistently value the leadership and decision-making done by
them. Generations of oppression have set the stage for Black leaders to be highly scrutinized
on what is considered morally correct and financially sound, and because of that, they are
often met with intense pushback. As an organization that centers Black organizing and decision-making, we know that donations can be intentionally or unintentionally wielded
against us.
We truly appreciate your support. Your donations support the spiritual sustenance of Black
UUs for the long haul and truly make a difference.
Amended and updated September 18, 2024.
How to Give through IRA
If you are 70 ½ years old or older, you can donate to BLUU any amount (up to a maximum of $100,000) per year from your IRA through a IRA charitable rollover.
Below is a letter template to share with your IRA administrator. Simply add your information, print the letter, and mail to your retirement account provider.
Sample IRA charitable rollover request:
[insert date]
RE: Request for Direct Qualified Charitable Distribution from IRA
Dear IRA administrator:
Please accept this letter as my request to make a direct qualified charitable distribution from my individual retirement account number [insert number here] as authorized under Sec. 408(d)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended.
Please issue a check in the amount of $[amount], payable to BLUU and mail it to:
165 Western Ave N Ste 8. St. Paul, MN 55102
The qualified charitable organization’s federal tax identification number is: 83-2287537
In your transmittal to the above named charitable organization, please mention my name and address as the donor of record in connection with this transfer, and copy me on the transmittal at the address below.
It is my intention that this gift complies with IRC 408(d)(8). It is also my intention to have this transfer qualify during this tax year.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this request, I can be reached at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].
Thank you for your prompt attention to and assistance in this matter.
Sincerely,[Your First and Last Name]
[Your Address]
[Your City, State ZIP]
[Your Phone Number]